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The Aliens Return
Nathan Dabbeekeh
4th grade

Aliens from another planet have landed on Earth! They are amazed by the big changes that some animals undergo in their lives. Nathan chose an animal and described its life cycle as it goes through metamorphosis to the aliens.

Lucia image about CMASAS
Lucia Quinones Justiz
6th grade

This project was an art piece done for CMASAS in my home. I drew a lightbulb in space representing the mind, Illuminating and immersing into many materials such as math, science, language arts and social studies (thus the minor equations, grammar concepts, timelines, atoms, etc). This was done because I wanted to show my love for this school.

Scarlett Guo Rosie the Riveter
Scarlett Guo
10th grade

This was my honors project for U.S. History! I chose The Role of Media in Shaping Rosie the Riveter's Image since she was an icon and changed many people's perspectives of woman during World War II and beyond.

Wafer Hafsah Sadek
Hafsah Sadek
11th grade

This project focuses on creating my three characters—Wafer, Mara, and Julius—designed to explore personality, visual storytelling, and individuality. Each character embodies distinct traits expressed through their appearance, postures, and expressions to reflect a deeper narrative behind their designs. My goal was to push myself creatively by trying new artistic techniques and digging into what makes a character feel alive and unique. I wanted to challenge myself to refine my ideas and bring Mara, Wafer, and Julius to life in a way that felt authentic to their personalities.

Together We'll Heal
Scarlett Guo
10th grade

This project was for my U.S. History assignment where I had the option to write a song about any Global issue. I chose to write my song on cleaning up the Earth. I had a good time researching and creating this project!

Avery in the Nutcracker
Avery Campbell
2nd grade

Avery loves ballet and her favorite part is doing the Nutcracker with a professional ballet company. She does ballet at Ballet Idaho. Avery was over the moon excited this year when she came back from auditions with 2 parts!