CN (Certified Nutritionist)
4th Dan Tae kwon do
2nd Dan Haidong Gumdo
1st Dan Hapkido
Private School Teaching K-3: Chandler Arizona 1983-1985
Student Teacher: Mesa Public School District - Mesa, Arizona 1982-1985
Adult Education Instructor: Community Arts Program - Mesa, Arizona. 1989-1999
Kim Ozment has been an educator and Personalized Education Coach (PEC) for more than seven years, and has been an educator since 1985, where she taught high school Agriculture. Kim is a third dan in Tae Kwon Do and a second dan in Haidong Gumdo, both Korean-style martial arts, and she has also instructed young people and adults alike. She is a certified fitness trainer and nutritionist and has owned her own gym for 12 years. Kim homeschooled all her children through high school. She received her bachelor’s degree in Zoology, with a minor in Agricultural Sciences. After her children were grown, she went back to school and received her degree in Business. In her spare time, she produces fiber art gallery pieces for show and sale. Both Kim and her husband hope that their leadership and coaching will produce lifelong learners!